League of Legends Creatures and Characters: Inside Shurima's Desert Wildlife
Rammus is an armordillo champion from the Shuriman desert who excels as a tanky jungler and initiator. His unique defensive abilities and crowd control make him particularly effective against physical damage dealers.
Key Abilities:
Spiked Shell (Passive)
- Deals bonus magic damage on basic attacks
- Damage increases during Defensive Ball Curl
Powerball (Q)
- Rolls into a ball gaining movement speed
- Collides with enemies dealing damage and CC
- Can be recast to end early
Defensive Ball Curl (W)
- Grants bonus armor and magic resistance
- Returns damage to attackers
- Can be extended by basic attacks
Frenzying Taunt (E)
- Forces target enemy to attack Rammus
- Grants bonus attack speed
- Duration refreshes during other abilities
Soaring Slam (R)
- Leaps to target location dealing AoE damage
- Creates aftershocks that slow enemies
- Deals bonus damage at epicenter when cast from range
- Doubles damage to structures

Rammus character render from League of Legends
Notable Traits:
- Excels at jungle clearing and ganking
- Strong against auto-attack based champions
- Can effectively initiate team fights
- Good at taking down towers
- Vulnerable to magic damage and kiting
- Limited damage output without items
Rammus is best played as a tank jungler, using his mobility and crowd control to set up ganks and lock down key targets while absorbing damage for his team.
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