League of Legends: The Hitman and the Seer - Aphelios Champion Gameplay Guide

League of Legends: The Hitman and the Seer - Aphelios Champion Gameplay Guide

By Marcus Chen

March 12, 2025 at 05:12 AM

Shurima's diverse wildlife encompasses several unique species adapted to its harsh desert environment:

Desert Creatures

  • Brackern: Ancient crystalline beings native to Shuriman desert regions
  • Dormun: Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water sources and serve as mobile homes for nomads
  • Eka'Sul: Desert goats that travel in herds
  • Mwatis: Goat-like creatures prized for their wool and protective head plates
  • Kmiros: Giant scarab swarms that prey on travelers

Predators and Beasts

  • Outerbeasts: Void creatures including Xer'Sai that plague the southern deserts
  • Ralsiji: Large aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds with horns
  • Sandswimmers: Massive creatures that travel beneath the sand in predictable patterns
  • Skallashi: Large quadrupedal beasts commonly used for transport and cargo, known for their long legs and bad tempers

Domesticated Animals

  • Shuriman Camels: Primary transportation for caravans and common folk, well-adapted but vulnerable to predators

Each species has evolved unique adaptations to survive Shurima's extreme conditions while playing important roles in the region's ecosystem and culture. The Xer'Sai, led by Rek'Sai, pose a particular threat to travelers and settlements in the southern desert regions.

These creatures help shape Shurima's culture, economy and daily life - from the nomadic tribes living atop Dormun to the vital transportation role of Skallashi and camels. Their presence and behaviors influence travel routes, settlement patterns and survival strategies across the region.

[Note: Image descriptions and placements preserved as in original article]

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