Yorick Runes Guide: Optimal Setup for Top Lane in 14.22
Precision / Resolve Runes - Yorick Top
Current stats: 50.0% Win Rate, 42.0% Pick Rate (15,421 matches analyzed)
Optimal Rune Setup (Patch 14.22)
- Primary: Precision Tree with Conqueror
- Key Runes: Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, Cut Down
- Secondary: Resolve Tree with Demolish, Second Wind
Strong Against:
- Vladimir (58.4% WR)
- K'Sante (56.9% WR)
- Jayce (56.1% WR)
- Illaoi (55.8% WR)
- Swain (55.6% WR)
- Gangplank (55.2% WR)
Weak Against:
- Kayle (44.0% WR)
- Fiora (45.1% WR)
- Irelia (46.0% WR)
- Ambessa (46.7% WR)
- Cho'Gath (47.0% WR)
- Trundle (47.1% WR)
Best Jungle Synergies:
- Ivern (57.2% WR)
- Rek'Sai (56.0% WR)
- Wukong (55.3% WR)
- Evelynn (55.2% WR)
- Fiddlesticks (53.9% WR)
- Skarner (53.2% WR)
Key Strategy Tips:
- Prioritize split pushing with Ultimate (R) to take towers
- Play defensively pre-level 6, keeping minions near your tower
- Conserve mana by primarily using Q in trades
- Avoid teamfights unless victory is certain, especially without R
- Focus on farming and scaling in the early game
Remember to adapt your playstyle based on matchups and team composition for optimal results.
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