Syndra APC Bot Lane Guide: Building the Dark Sovereign
Syndra is a scaling mage champion who excels in the botlane position, featuring high range, crowd control, and execute damage capabilities. While powerful, her immobility requires careful positioning.
Core Abilities Overview
- Q (Dark Sphere): Primary waveclear ability, summons a sphere dealing magic damage
- E (Scatter the Weak): Stuns enemies for 1.5s when combined with Dark Sphere
- W (Willpower): Allows picking up and throwing spheres, minions, or jungle monsters
- R (Unleashed Power): Single-target ultimate that scales with nearby dark spheres
Passive System
- Collects boosts up to 120 maximum
- 40 boosts: Q ability improvement
- 60 boosts: W gains True Damage
- 80 boosts: E gets wider radius and slow
- 100 boosts: R gains execute damage
- 120 boosts: +15% Ability Power bonus
Boost Collection
- +5 boosts per ability level up
- +1 boost for hitting champion with 2 abilities within 4 seconds
- +1 boost for last-hitting cannon minions
Skill Priority
- Maximize Q first (Dark Sphere)
- W second (Willpower)
- E third (Scatter the Weak)
- R whenever possible (Unleashed Power)
Core Build Path
- Starting Items: Doran's Ring + Health Potions
- Core Items: Luden's Tempest > Shadowflame > Rabadon's Deathcap
- Situational: Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass, Banshee's Veil
Key Tips
- Use Q+E combo for safe trading and self-peel
- Stack dark spheres before ultimate for maximum damage
- Maintain proper positioning due to lack of mobility
- Focus on cannon minions for passive stacks
- Save E ability when expecting enemy ganks
The champion excels in late game scenarios, with true damage potential and high scaling damage output, making her particularly effective against both squishies and tanks.
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