Sylas Mid Champion Guide - Complete Build & Strategy
Abilities Priority: E > W > Q (Max E first, then W, Q last)
R "Hijack" available at levels 6, 11, 16
Core gameplay mechanics:
Sylas is an AP Skirmisher who excels at stealing and utilizing enemy ultimates. His power comes from a combination of close-range combat and strategic ultimate usage.
Basic Ability Rotation:
- Level 1: Start with E (Abscond/Abduct) for early trading potential
- Level 2: Choose W (Kingslayer) for sustain or Q (Chain Lash) for safe farming
- Level 3: Take remaining ability
Key Combos:
- Trading: E → W → AA → Q → E2 → AA
- All-in: E1 → W → AA → Q → E2 → AA → R (stolen ult)
- Advanced: W-Flash for unexpected engage
Ultimate Usage (Hijack): Best ultimates to steal:
- Team fight AoE (Hecarim, Yuumi)
- Self-buff ults (Aatrox, Swain)
- Mobility + damage (Akali, Yone)
Core Build: Starting items:
- Doran's Ring
- 2 Health Potions
Core items:
- Everfrost/Liandry's Anguish
- Cosmic Drive
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Void Staff (vs MR)
- Demonic Embrace (vs tanks)
- Rabadon's Deathcap (when ahead)
Laning Tips:
- Use passive (Petricite Burst) for enhanced auto attacks after abilities
- Trade when passive is stacked
- Maintain safe distance until key abilities are available
- Look for roam opportunities post-6 with stolen ultimates
Late Game:
- Focus on stealing impactful ultimates before objectives
- Adapt playstyle based on stolen ultimate (engage, assassin, or AoE damage)
- Look for flanks with E mobility
- Build magic penetration if needed
Matchup Difficulty: Not recommended for new players due to:
- Complex ability combinations
- Ultimate knowledge requirement
- Positioning demands
- Match-up specific playstyles
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