Pantheon Mid Lane Counters: Best Champions and Tips to Win
When playing against Pantheon in mid lane, understand his strengths and exploit his weaknesses through proper positioning and timing.
Strong Counters:
- Xerath (Best counter due to long-range poke and safe farming)
- Annie (Can stun and burst him down)
- Taliyah (Good wave clear and roaming potential)
- Zoe (Long-range harassment and escape potential)
- Ahri (Mobile with charm CC and true damage)
Laning Phase Tips:
- Maintain maximum distance to avoid his W (Shield Vault)
- Watch for level 1 cheese attempts
- Stay behind minions to block his Q (Comet Spear)
- Track his roaming after level 6
- Ward side bushes to prevent surprise engages
Counter Strategy:
- Defensive Positioning
- Keep distance during laning phase
- Avoid standing alone when his ultimate is up
- Stay behind frontline in teamfights
- Wave Management
- Freeze lane near your tower when possible
- Push and punish when his ultimate is down
- Track his roaming attempts
- Key Timings
- Respect his early game strength (levels 1-3)
- Watch for level 6 ultimate ganks
- Be cautious when he completes first item
- Team Coordination
- Communicate missing calls immediately
- Warn teammates about potential roams
- Capitalize on his absence during splits
Remember that Pantheon's power peaks early game and gradually falls off. Focus on surviving early pressure and outscaling him in late game teamfights.
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 1-3: Strong all-in potential
- Level 6: Global map presence
- First item completion: Increased kill pressure
Counter timing his abilities and maintaining proper spacing are crucial for successfully laning against Pantheon.
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