Master Yi Guide: Mastering the Wuju Bladesman in Patch 15.4.1
Master Yi is a hypercarry jungler who excels at dealing consistent damage through auto-attacks and strategic ability usage. His simple yet effective kit makes him an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced players.
Core Strengths:
- High single-target damage
- Fast jungle clear speed
- Strong objective control (dragons, towers)
- Excellent late-game scaling
- Built-in healing through Meditate (W)
Key Weaknesses:
- Item dependent
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Weak early game
- Team composition dependent
- Struggles against tanky teams
Ability Priority:
- Alpha Strike (Q)
- Wuju Style (E)
- Meditate (W)
- Highlander (R)
Optimal Skill Order: Q > E > W > Q > Q > R > Q > E > Q > E > R > E > E > W > W > R > W > W
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Essential Items:
- Kraken Slayer
- Guinsoo's Rageblade
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Blade of the Ruined King (vs HP-stacking)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Wit's End (vs AP-heavy teams)
- Black Cleaver (vs armor-stacking)
Playstyle Tips:
- Focus on power farming early game
- Time Alpha Strike to dodge crucial CC abilities
- Use Meditate for tower diving and damage reduction
- Save Highlander for key teamfight moments
- Split push when behind to catch up in gold
- Look for isolated targets rather than grouping
Core Strategy:
- Clear jungle efficiently to reach item powerspikes
- Secure objectives when ultimate is available
- Counter-jungle when lanes have priority
- Scale into late game through consistent farming
- Target backline carries in teamfights
With proper itemization and gameplay understanding, Master Yi can become an unstoppable force in the late game, capable of carrying through both teamfights and split-pushing scenarios.
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