LoL Guide: Maokai Support - Tank Champion on the Bot Lane

LoL Guide: Maokai Support - Tank Champion on the Bot Lane

By Marcus Chen

February 25, 2025 at 10:24 AM

Starting on your lane, you have flexible ability choices based on the situation. The "Twisted Advance" (W) excels in level 1 invades, "Sapling Toss" (E) helps scout or set traps, and "Bramble Smash" (Q) offers both offensive and defensive utility with its slow and knockback effects.

Person wearing gaming headset

Person wearing gaming headset

Maokai Support primarily functions as a tank-engage support, focusing on durability while providing utility for the team. His passive ability "Sap Magic" (P) provides periodic healing through basic attacks, scaling with his maximum health and cooldown reduction from abilities used or taken.

Core abilities should be maxed in this order:

  • Q (Bramble Smash) - Primary damage source and CC
  • W (Twisted Advance) - Reliable root
  • E (Sapling Toss) - Utility and vision control

His ultimate ability "Nature's Grasp" (R) sends out five roots that immobilize enemies, with longer duration based on travel distance. For optimal use, cast it at up to 90-degree angles to ensure faster, more reliable hits, or chain it with teammate CC.

Build path focuses on tank-support items that benefit both Maokai and his team:

Starting items:

  • Relic Shield
  • Health Potions

Core items:

  • Evenshroud
  • Knight's Vow
  • Zeke's Convergence

Situational items:

  • Thornmail (vs heavy AD)
  • Spirit Visage (vs heavy AP)
  • Warmog's Armor (for sustained fights)

Maokai excels at setting up plays and protecting carries while maintaining presence through his sustainable healing and CC abilities. Position aggressively in lane to threaten engages while using saplings for bush control and vision.

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