Maokai Jungle Guide: Master the Twisted Treant in Season 14
A tanky jungler with strong crowd control abilities, Maokai excels at initiating fights and disrupting enemy teams. His versatility allows for various build paths, from full tank to AP or hybrid support builds.
Core Abilities and Skills Order:
- Max Q first: Primary jungle clear ability and crowd control
- Max E second: Strong damage from bush-enhanced saplings
- Max W last: Used mainly for ganking and mobility
Expert Tip: When clearing Gromp, throw E into the top lane bush for enhanced damage. This strategy works for all camps except wolves.
Starting Items:
- Emberknife
- Refillable Potion
Core Build Path:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Demonic Embrace
- Force of Nature
- Randuin's Omen
- Thornmail
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury's Treads
Alternative Items:
- Abyssal Mask (vs heavy AP)
- Dead Man's Plate (for mobility)
- Warmog's Armor (sustain)
- Spirit Visage (healing boost)
Summoner Spells:
- Smite (required)
- Flash
Runes: Primary (Sorcery):
- First Strike
- Perfect Timing
- Future's Market
- Cosmic Insight
Secondary (Domination):
- Cheap Shot
- Ultimate Hunter
Jungle Pathing:
- Start Red Buff
- Raptors
- Wolves
- Blue Buff
- Gromp
- Look for gank opportunities
Key Strategy:
- Focus on counter-ganking and objective control
- Use saplings for vision control
- Chain CC abilities for maximum team fight impact
- Prioritize ganking lanes with follow-up CC
[This is where images would go as per original formatting]
Game Impact:
- Excel at team fight initiation
- Strong objective control
- Reliable crowd control
- Flexible build paths for team needs
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