League of Legends: Jax Full Champion Update & Patch Notes History
Here's a concise, chronological list of significant Jax patch changes in League of Legends:
Recent Changes:
Grandmaster-At-Arms (R)
- Base on-hit damage: 70/120/170 (increased from 60/110/160)
- Bonus armor: 25/50/75 (increased from 15/40/65)
- Bonus magic resistance: 15/30/45 (increased from 9/24/39)
- Bonus armor per target: 20/25/30 (increased from 15/20/25)
- Bonus magic resistance per target: 12/15/18 (increased from 9/12/15)
Empower (W)
- Now consumes against towers for 50% damage
- Fixed bug causing attack to fail against towers
Counter Strike (E)
- Cooldown: 17/15/13/11/9 seconds (increased from 15/13.5/12/10.5/9)
- Minimum base damage: 40/70/100/130/160
- Maximum base damage: 80/140/200/260/320
- Minimum health ratio: 3.5% target's max health
- Maximum health ratio: 7% target's max health
Base Stats Changes:
- Base health: 665 (reduced from 685)
- Health growth: 100 (increased from 99)
- Base mana: 338.8
- Base movement speed: 350
- Base armor: 36
- Attack damage growth: 4.25
Key Rework Changes:
- Relentless Assault (Passive) now grants stacking attack speed
- Empower (W) changed to instant-cast empowered attack
- Counter Strike (E) reworked to active dodge ability
- Grandmaster-At-Arms (R) grants defensive stats and empowered attacks
I've focused on the most important balance changes and mechanical updates while maintaining clear formatting. Each change includes the relevant values and ratios for reference.
Let me know if you need more details about specific patches or time periods.
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