League of Legends Champion: Trundle - A Detailed Guide
Trundle is a powerful melee juggernaut champion in League of Legends who excels at dueling and disrupting enemy positioning. Here's a comprehensive overview:
King's Tribute (Passive)
- Heals Trundle for 1.8-5.5% of nearby enemies' maximum health when they die
Chomp (Q)
- Empowered attack that deals bonus physical damage
- Steals target's attack damage
- Slows target briefly
- Resets basic attack timer
Frozen Domain (W)
- Creates an icy field granting:
- Bonus attack speed
- Increased movement speed
- 25% increased healing from all sources
- Lasts 8 seconds
Pillar of Ice (E)
- Creates impassable terrain that knocks back and slows nearby enemies
- Lasts 6 seconds
- Key for disrupting enemy positioning
Subjugate (Ultimate)
- Drains health, armor, and magic resistance from target champion
- Increases Trundle's size while reducing target's size
- Effects applied over 4 seconds
- Stolen stats remain for additional 4 seconds
Key Strengths:
- Excellent duelist and tank killer
- Strong objective control
- Disruptive crowd control
- High sustain through passive healing
Best Positions:
- Top lane
- Jungle
Common Build Path:
- Tank items
- Attack speed items
- Life steal items
Trundle excels at fighting tanks and bruisers while providing utility through his terrain-creating abilities. His ultimate makes him particularly effective against tank champions by stealing their defensive stats.

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