League of Legends Bestiary: A Guide to Shurima's Creatures

League of Legends Bestiary: A Guide to Shurima's Creatures

By Marcus Chen

March 5, 2025 at 01:47 AM

Shuriman Wildlife Guide

The diverse wildlife of Shurima includes several notable species that have adapted to the harsh desert environment:

Brackern Ancient crystalline creatures found in various clans across the Shuriman continent.

Dormun Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build permanent settlements on their backs.

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Desert Species

  • Eka'Sul: Herding desert goats
  • Mwatis: Goat-like creatures valued for their wool and protective head plates
  • Kmiros: Giant scarabs that hunt in swarms

Void Creatures

  • Xer'Sai: Dog-sized void creatures led by their queen Rek'Sai
  • Outerbeasts: Various void creatures inhabiting the desert

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Transport Animals

  • Ralsiji: Large, aggressive minotaur-like quadrupeds
  • Shuriman Camels: Primary transportation method, well-adapted to desert travel
  • Sandswimmers: Massive creatures that travel in predictable patterns under the sand
  • Skallashi: Large quadrupedal herbivores used as beasts of burden, featuring distinctive long legs

Two beasts crossing desert landscape

Two beasts crossing desert landscape

Sandstone arches in desert landscape

Sandstone arches in desert landscape

Three travelers with camels in desert

Three travelers with camels in desert

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Shuriman market with city backdrop

Shuriman market with city backdrop

Skallashi are particularly revered, often decorated with protective symbols and charms. Ownership of these creatures indicates prosperity, and larger specimens can be modified to include small traveling quarters.

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