Cho'Gath Tank Guide: Complete Top Lane Strategy 15.4.1
Cho'Gath excels as a formidable tank in the top lane, combining natural resilience with devastating damage potential. His unique ability to grow in size and health through his ultimate makes him an increasingly threatening presence as the game progresses.
Primary Role: Tank Lane: Top Current Patch: 15.4.1
Skill Priority:
- E (Vorpal Spikes) - Maximized first for waveclear and consistent damage
- W (Feral Scream) - Second for increased silence duration
- Q (Rupture) - Last due to static cooldown
Note: Against ranged matchups, prioritizing Q or W first can be more effective as E requires close range.
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- OR Corrupting Potion (against poke-heavy matchups)
Main Tank Items:
- Everfrost (Mythic)
- Thornmail
- Force of Nature
- Warmog's Armor
- Gargoyle Stoneplate
Situational Items:
- Sunfire Aegis (against heavy AD)
- Spirit Visage (increased healing/shielding)
- Abyssal Mask (vs magic damage)
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit-based champions)
Playstyle Overview:
- Focus on farming safely during early game
- Stack ultimate on minions when possible
- Use Q+W combo for crowd control and trades
- Position aggressively once tank items are acquired
- Act as frontline in teamfights while threatening high-priority targets
Combat Tips:
- Lead with Q (Rupture) to set up other abilities
- Use W (Feral Scream) to silence enemies attempting to escape
- Maximize E (Vorpal Spikes) usage for consistent damage
- Save ultimate for securing kills or stacking on minions/monsters
Tank Cho'Gath excels at creating space for his team while threatening enough damage to remain a constant threat. Focus on building defensive items based on enemy composition while maintaining ability to lockdown key targets.
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