Camille Champion Guide: Top Lane Bruiser - Professional Build and Strategy
A mobile and versatile fighter, Camille excels in top lane duels and split-pushing scenarios. Her precise mechanics and high skill ceiling make her a formidable champion when mastered.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional mobility with Hookshot (E)
- Strong 1v1 dueling potential
- Powerful single-target lockdown
- True damage conversion on Q2
Main Weakness:
- Limited AoE damage capabilities
Skill Priority: Q > E > W
Skill Order Strategy: Level 1 ability choice depends on matchup:
- Q: Against weak melee champions
- E: Versus ranged champions with weak early game
- W: Default choice for safe laning and sustain
Pro Tip: Only use W when you've taken damage to maximize healing efficiency.
Core Items:
- Divine Sunderer / Trinity Force
- Ravenous Hydra
- Death's Dance
Situational Items:
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (vs AD)
- Sterak's Gage (vs burst)
Build Strategy:
- Prioritize AD for ability scaling
- Balance health and resistances
- Include wave clear items for split-pushing
- Build defensively in later stages
Key Matchup Tips:
- Abuse Q mobility in melee matchups
- Use E to disengage unfavorable trades
- W provides safe poke and sustain
- Ultimate can isolate priority targets
Early Game Focus:
- Secure early vision
- Trade when Passive shield is available
- Look for E walls to setup ganks
- Prioritize CS and scaling
Mid-Late Game:
- Split push with superior 1v1 potential
- Join teamfights to lock down carries
- Use mobility for objective control
- Create side lane pressure
Counter Tips:
- Watch wall positions to avoid E ganks
- Trade when shield is down
- Group to force teamfights
- Build armor early
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