Cassiopeia Champion Guide: Master the Serpent's Deadly Power in LoL 15.4
A deadly serpentine mage, Cassiopeia excels at dealing consistent magical damage through her unique poison-based abilities. Unable to purchase boots due to her passive "Snake Grace," she gains movement speed per level and an extra item slot for enhanced late-game scaling.
Core Abilities:
Passive: Snake Grace
- Gains movement speed per level
- Cannot purchase boots
- Gets additional item slot for legendary items
E - Twin Fang (Main Damage)
- Short cooldown (0.75s)
- Deals bonus damage to poisoned targets
- Heals Cassiopeia
- Refunds mana if it kills the target
Q - Noxious Blast
- Area poison damage
- Grants movement speed when hitting champions
- Marks targets as poisoned
- Low cooldown (3.5s)
W - Miasma
- Creates poison clouds
- Slows and grounds enemies
- Excellent zone control
- Blocks escape paths
R - Petrifying Gaze
- Stuns enemies facing Cassiopeia (2s)
- Slows enemies facing away (40%)
- Powerful teamfight ability
Skill Order: E > Q > W > R
Standard Combo: Q → AA → E → E → AA → E
- High sustained damage output
- Strong self-peel
- Excellent late-game scaling
- Efficient mana management with E resets
- Mana hungry early game
- Shorter range than most mages
- Requires precise positioning
- High skill ceiling
Best Matchups:
- Linear assassins (LeBlanc)
- Short-range mages (Sylas, Ahri)
Difficult Matchups:
- Mobile assassins (Zed)
- Long-range mages (Viktor, Syndra)
Core Strategy: Focus on farming safely early game while managing mana. Use Q and E combination for effective trades. Save W and R for self-peel or follow-up CC. Position carefully in teamfights to maximize damage output while staying safe.
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