Best Rebel Team Composition Guide for TFT Set 13.4
Rebels are among the strongest compositions in TFT Set 13.4, known for their powerful late-game scaling and consistent top 4 finishes. Here's how to optimize this comp:

Blue-haired cyborg woman with metallic arm
Core Units:
- Early Game (Stages 1-3): Vex, Sett, Irelia, Akali, Rell
- Mid-Late Game: Jinx (main carry), Illaoi (tank), Zoe (secondary carry)
- Flex Options: Ekko, Elise, Rumble, Viktor, Leblanc, Ambessa

Blue-haired Sett from TFT game
Optimal Items:
For Illaoi (Tank):
- Warmog's Armor
- Bramble Vest
- Gargoyle's Stoneplate
For Jinx/Zoe (Carries):
- Spear of Shojin (priority)
- Infinity Edge
- Deathblade
- Nashor's Tooth
- Jeweled Gauntlet

Viktor from League of Legends
Best Augments:
- Rebel Crown
- Rebel Crest
- Paint the Town Blue
Strategy Guide:
Early Game:
- Activate 3 Rebel trait
- Focus on 2-starring Irelia and Sett
- Flexible between win/lose streak

TFT Rebel units game screenshot
Mid Game:
- Rush level 8
- Prioritize finding Illaoi and Zoe
- Transfer items from early carriers to core units
- Aim for 7 Rebels

TFT board showing Rebel composition
Late Game:
- Position Jinx as main carry
- Support Illaoi with additional frontline
- Aim for level 9
- Consider adding Rumble for Sentinel trait
- Look for Rebel emblems to optimize flex slots

TFT endgame board with Rebel units
Key Tips:
- Don't roll heavily before level 8
- Prioritize 2-star Illaoi and Zoe
- Save optimal items for Jinx
- Maintain minimum 7 Rebels in late game
- Use Rebel emblems on utility units like Ekko or Viktor
[Remaining images retained as in original article]
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