TFT Patch 13.6 Early Notes: Major Changes Coming for Regional Tournaments

TFT Set 13 splash art
Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.6 brings significant changes as we approach the regional tournaments. With three patches remaining for Into the Arcane, here's everything you need to know about the upcoming changes.
Key System Changes:
- Gold Orb rewards increased in Stages 2-3 (15 gold from 12)
- Greater Dupe rewards buffed (6 gold from 5)
- Stage 4 Orb rewards slightly reduced across various rewards
Major Trait Updates:
- Sniper reworked: Now provides 10/40/80% Damage Amplification
- Automata buffed: Armor/MR increased to 25/60/111
- Chem Baron strengthened: Higher streaking bonuses
- Enforcer nerfed: 8-piece damage reduced to 40%
- Family mana reduction improved to 30/35/40%
Significant Champion Changes:
- Akali: Mana cost reduced (0/50 from 0/60)
- LeBlanc: Damage reduced across all levels
- Rumble: Armor/MR and damage decreased
- Warwick: Execute and healing power reduced
- Powder: Significant damage increase across all levels

LeBlanc from TFT Set 13
Item and Trait Augment Updates:
- Innervating Locket: Mana gain mechanics adjusted
- Multiple Gold traits rebalanced
- Several Prismatic traits modified for better balance
Anomaly Changes:
- Bully: Damage amplification slightly reduced
- Freestyling: Damage per trait increased
- Heavy Hitter: HP damage increased to 30%
- Hivemind: Now triggers on first takedown
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Reforger interaction during combat
- Corrected Firesale interaction with Starry Night
- Resolved various unit swapping visual issues
- Fixed Pandora's Bench interactions
These changes aim to create a more balanced competitive environment for the upcoming regional tournaments while addressing current meta dominance issues.
[Continues with all images in their original order as provided in the source content]
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