Best Champions and Counter Picks to Beat Nilah in League
Keep distance early and maintain wave control near your tower to minimize her all-in potential. She gains XP faster than other champions, so expect her to reach level 6 before you.

Nilah, League champion, splash art
Key Counters and Strategies:
- Xayah: Strong disengage and burst damage
- Kog'Maw: Outranges and outscales
- Swain: Effective CC and sustained damage
- Draven: Early game dominance
- Jinx: Superior late-game scaling
Essential Counter Tips:
- Purchase Executioner's Calling early to reduce her healing
- Avoid jungle fights where she can land multi-target ultimates
- Bait out her W (Jubilant Veil) before engaging
- Use CC to prevent her repositioning with E
- Respect her level 3 and 6 power spikes
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 3: Access to full basic ability rotation
- Level 6: Early ultimate access (faster than opponents)
- First Component Item: Enhanced trading potential
Best Practices:
- Stay behind minions to avoid her Q
- Coordinate CC chains with your team
- Track her ability cooldowns, especially W
- Focus her in teamfights before she can stack her passive
- Maintain wave control to prevent her from freezing
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