Yorick Top Build Guide: Best Builds, Items and Counters
Essential Yorick Top Build Guide
Trinity Force, Plated Steelcaps, and Serylda's Grudge form the core items for Yorick, with a 53.5% win rate across 3,629 matches. Complete your build with Hullbreaker, Sterak's Gage, and Sundered Sky.
Optimal Runes:
- Primary: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Bloodline, Last Stand
- Secondary: Bone Plating, Demolish
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
Ability Order: Q > E > W
Key Tips:
- Focus on split pushing with Ultimate (R)
- Stay near tower pre-level 6
- Conserve mana by primarily using Q for trading
- Use Ultimate to pressure towers while team fights elsewhere
Strong Against:
- Vladimir (58.4% WR)
- K'Sante (56.9% WR)
- Jayce (56.1% WR)
Weak Against:
- Kayle (44.0% WR)
- Fiora (45.1% WR)
- Irelia (46.0% WR)
Alternative Build (50.6% WR):
- Core: Profane Hydra, Boots of Swiftness, Serylda's Grudge
- Complete with: Opportunity, Spear of Shojin, Sterak's Gage
- Runes: Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm
- Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Magical Footwear
Best Synergy:
- Ivern (57.2% WR)
- Rek'Sai (56.0% WR)
- Wukong (55.3% WR)
Adapt your build based on matchups and team composition for optimal performance.