WoW Players Dream of Future Homes as Midnight Housing Feature Captures Imaginations
World of Warcraft's upcoming Midnight expansion has players excited about its new player housing feature, even though The War Within hasn't been released yet. The feature was officially revealed on November 13, 2024, fulfilling a long-requested community desire.
Player housing will initially launch in two zones:
- Alliance: A blend of Elwynn Forest, Westfall, and Duskwood
- Horde: A mix of Durotar coastline and Azshara
Players have shared their dream housing locations across Azeroth:
- Dalaran: Upper-spire apartments with convenient mage portal access
- Pandaria: Particularly Jade Forest and Valley of the Four Winds
- Gothic locations: Tirisfal, Silverpine, Gilneas, Duskwood, and Drustvar
- Unique suggestions: Icecrown Citadel for Death Knights and underwater homes in Vashj'ir
While Blizzard has hinted at expanding housing locations in the future, only the initial Alliance and Horde zones are confirmed for launch. The exact release date for WoW Midnight remains unannounced, but players can stay updated through official WoW social media channels.

Fantasy mountains under night sky
Note: Additional housing locations beyond the initial zones will be purely speculative until officially announced by Blizzard.
[Rest of images maintained in original order as provided]
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