LoL Players Want Shorter Death Timers to Fix URF Mode
League of Legends players have identified a critical issue affecting the URF game mode's enjoyment: excessive death timers that enable unintended splitpushing strategies.
The main problems with URF's current state:
- By 15 minutes, death timers reach 50 seconds
- Long death timers encourage splitpushing tactics
- Players feel forced to play defensively rather than enjoying the mode's intended fast-paced nature
- Champions like Tryndamere and Sion become overpowered due to splitpush potential

League of Legends champion in red cape
Why this matters:
- URF is designed for fun and experimentation
- Current death timers create ranked-like pressure
- Base cannons can't effectively counter splitpushing
- The mode's original spirit of casual play is compromised

Possible solution: Players suggest reducing death timers to maintain URF's fast-paced, experimental nature. This change would align with Riot's recent improvements, like replacing First Blood Feats with a three-kill objective system.
[The rest of the images from the original article follow in their original order]
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