Ultimate Naafiri Guide: Best Runes, Builds & Abilities
Naafiri is an entry-level assassin champion designed for players new to the assassin role in League of Legends. Unlike other mechanically intensive assassins, she features straightforward abilities and combos, allowing players to focus on fundamental skills like positioning and macro play.
Core Abilities and Combos
The standard combo sequence is:
- W (to engage)
- Q1 (first hit)
- E (reposition)
- Q2 (second hit)
Key Tips:
- Landing both Q hits is crucial for maximum damage
- Position close to opponents to increase Q accuracy
- Use E to recall and heal your hounds when they're targeted
- W can be blocked by enemy champions, so approach from flanks when possible
Item Build
Starting Items:
- Long Sword
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Duskblade of Draktharr (First item)
- Youmuu's Ghostblade
- Seryldas Grudge
Situational Items:
- Edge of Night (vs. heavy CC)
- Death's Dance (vs. AD threats)
- Maw of Malmortius (vs. AP threats)
Build Priority:
- Focus on AD
- Lethality/Armor Penetration
- Ability Haste
Primary: Sorcery Secondary: Domination
Skill Order
Skill Priority:
- Q
- W
- E
Max skills in this order: R > Q > W > E
Naafiri excels at flanking enemy carries and executing quick burst combos. Her straightforward kit makes her an ideal champion for players learning the assassin playstyle while developing fundamental game knowledge.
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