Top Kennen Mid Counters and How to Beat Them
Kennen is a versatile mid-lane champion who excels in team fights but has exploitable weaknesses during the laning phase.

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Effective Counters:
- Kayle
- Vel'Koz
- Annie
- Qiyana
- Gangplank
Key Weaknesses:
- Poor wave clear early game
- Vulnerable to poke damage
- Reliant on ultimate for major impact
- Weak against long-range champions
Laning Phase Tips:
- Push waves aggressively early to force Kennen under tower
- Avoid engaging when his passive stacks are on you
- His ultimate deals sustained damage rather than burst - use this window to counter-attack
- Take advantage of his weak wave clear to secure tower plates
Team Fight Strategy:
- Avoid clustered fights in narrow spaces like dragon/baron pit
- Maintain vision control to prevent flanks
- Spread out when fighting to minimize ultimate impact
- Poke him down before major objectives to prevent engages
- Disengage immediately when you see him approaching
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 6 (Ultimate acquisition)
- Major item completions
- Team fight phase of the game
Counter Play Tips:
- Pick champions with strong disengage
- Build early magic resistance
- Focus on farm and scaling if playing a late-game champion
- Coordinate with your team to spread out during fights
- Keep track of his ultimate cooldown and exploit when it's down
Remember to stay aware of Kennen's passive stacks and position carefully in team fights to minimize his impact while maximizing your team's damage output.