Ornn Champion Guide: The Divine Blacksmith's Ultimate Toplane Strategy
Ornn is a formidable tank champion who excels in the toplane. As a divine blacksmith, he combines powerful crowd control abilities with surprising damage potential and unique item crafting mechanics.
Passive - Living Forge Ornn can craft items directly in lane, saving valuable time and providing a significant advantage. Later in the game, he can upgrade specific items for his allies, offering substantial late-game power spikes.
Optimal Skill Order Primary: W > E > Q
- Against ranged matchups: Put 3 points in Q first, then max W > E > Q
- Level 1-3 options: Q-W-Q or Q-W-W for strongest early power spike
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- Corrupting Potion (against poke-heavy matchups)
Main Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Thornmail
- Spirit Visage
- Warmog's Armor
Alternative Options:
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit-heavy teams)
- Abyssal Mask (vs magic damage)
- Gargoyle Stoneplate (for team fights)
- Exceptional tank scaling
- Strong lane presence
- High burst damage potential
- Valuable team utility through item upgrades
- Powerful team fight initiation
Early Game Strategy:
- Focus on farming safely
- Trade strategically using W-E combo
- Craft items in lane to maintain presence
- Look for opportunities to assist jungler with CC
Team Fighting:
- Initiate fights with ultimate
- Peel for carries
- Create terrain with pillar for team positioning
- Time W for maximum brittle proc damage
Remember: Ornn excels at creating opportunities for his team while being deceptively dangerous in solo combat. His combination of tankiness, crowd control, and unexpected burst damage makes him a versatile pick in most team compositions.
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