Top Counter Picks Against Illaoi: Best Champions to Beat the Kraken Priestess
Starting with Illaoi's weaknesses in lane, dodging her Test of Spirit (E) ability is crucial for successful trades. Position yourself behind minions while avoiding the wave center, as her Q can simultaneously push and poke.
When hit by her E, leave one Tentacle alive and stand near it to prevent additional spawns. Maintain wave control near your tower, as Illaoi struggles early game and relies on freezing to zone opponents.
During team fights, disengage when Illaoi uses her ultimate and avoid confined spaces where her Tentacles are most effective. Counter her healing with Grievous Wounds through items like Thornmail, Morellonomicon, or Ignite.

Illaoi, Kraken Priestess
Key Power Spikes:
- Black Cleaver completion (around 11 minutes): One-shots caster minions
- Level 9 (E max): Significant side lane pressure
- Level 13 (Q and E max): Peak dueling potential
Strong Counters:
- Aurora
- Kayle
- Vayne
- Yorick
- Teemo
Additional Tips:
- Her E-summoned spirit counts for Dark Harvest stacks
- Freeze lane early to limit her farming and scaling
- Look for fights when she's isolated from her team
- Avoid extended trades when her abilities are available
- Coordinate ganks before she reaches power spikes
Effective Counterpicks:
- Warwick
- Gwen
- Garen
- Kennen
- Wukong
- Trundle
- Urgot
- Singed
- Tryndamere
- Jayce
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