League of Legends V1.0.0.61 Patch Notes: Udyr Champion Launch & Gameplay Changes
Patch V1.0.0.61 introduced significant changes to League of Legends, including a new champion Udyr and several item additions and balance updates.
Key Changes:
New Champion:
- Udyr: A stance-based fighter with Tiger, Turtle, Bear, and Phoenix stances
- Passive: Monkey's Agility increases attack speed and dodge chance when switching stances
New Items:
- Quicksilver Sash: Removes all debuffs
- Sword of the Occult: Stacking AD item
- Leviathan: Stacking health item
- Deathfire Grasp: AP/CDR item with active damage
- Sword of the Divine: Attack speed item with armor penetration
- Haunting Guise: Health/mana regen item with magic penetration
Major Champion Updates:
- Ryze received significant ability reworks
- Tryndamere's abilities were rebalanced
- Various other champions received balance adjustments
Game Systems:
- Flash range reduced to 450 from 1000
- Brush on Summoner's Rift redesigned
- Turret mechanics updated
- Baron Nashor rewards adjusted
- Minion gold values increased
New Skins:
- Riot Girl Tristana
- Medieval Twitch
These changes aimed to improve game balance and add strategic diversity through new items and champion adjustments.
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League of Legends Patch History and Champion Updates