The Definitive Maokai Guide: Tank Top Lane Strategy (Season 15)
Maokai is a powerful tank champion who excels at crowd control and teamfight engage/disengage. His natural sustain and multiple CC abilities make him an excellent choice for beginners and experienced players alike.
Core Abilities Overview
Passive - Sap Magic
- Empowers next auto attack after ability use
- Heals Maokai based on max health
- Cooldown reduces when hit by spells
Q - Bramble Smash
- Knocks back and slows enemies
- Main waveclear ability
- Can be combined with Flash for surprise engages
W - Twisted Advance
- Root that follows target even through Flash
- Makes Maokai untargetable during dash
- Primary engage tool
E - Sapling Toss
- Throws a sapling that seeks nearby enemies
- Deals increased damage from brush
- Provides vision control
R - Nature's Grasp
- Sends wave of roots forward
- Roots enemies hit, duration increases with distance
- Grants movement speed when hitting champions
Standard Ability Combo E -> W -> AA -> Q -> AA
- Multiple forms of CC
- Strong teamfight presence
- Excellent sustain
- Easy to learn mechanics
- Needs items to become tanky
- Vulnerable to early lane bullies
- Can struggle against tank-shredders
Strong Against
- Sion
- Tahm Kench
- Cho'Gath
- Extended fight champions
Weak Against
- Quinn
- Gwen
- Olaf
- Early game bullies
Skill Order
- Q - Bramble Smash
- W - Twisted Advance
- E - Sapling Toss R whenever available (6/11/16)
Build path focuses on tank items that enhance healing and provide waveclear ability, with specific itemization depending on enemy team composition and game state.
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