Malphite Champion Guide: Master the Rock Solid Tank in League of Legends
Malphite is one of the most straightforward yet effective tank champions in League of Legends, particularly effective in lower ranks. His strength lies in his simple kit, high durability, and surprising damage output, making him especially potent against AD-heavy teams.
Core Strengths:
- Excellent against AD champions and auto-attackers
- Simple to learn and execute
- Strong armor scaling
- Game-changing ultimate ability
Primary Weakness:
- Vulnerable against AP damage dealers
Skill Order Priority
Against Ranged Champions (e.g., Teemo, Quinn, Gnar):
- Maximize Q first for poke and chase potential
- W second for survivability
- E last
Against Melee Auto-attackers (e.g., Irelia, Jax):
- Maximize E first for attack speed reduction
- Q second for trading
- W last
Against Melee Casters (e.g., Riven, Renekton):
- Maximize W first for durability
- Q second for trading
- E last
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Shield + Health Potion
- OR Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions (vs heavy AD)
Core Items:
- Sunfire Aegis
- Frozen Heart
- Thornmail
Situational Items:
- Randuin's Omen (vs crit-heavy teams)
- Force of Nature (vs AP teams)
- Warmog's Armor (for additional HP)
Item Strategy: Focus on building armor-heavy items to maximize Malphite's passive armor scaling. This enhances both survivability and ability damage, particularly effective against AD-heavy team compositions.
Note: Build path should be adjusted based on enemy team composition and game state. Prioritize armor items when facing AD-heavy teams, but consider mixing in magic resistance if facing significant AP threats.
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