TFT Set 14: Ultimate Bruiser Guide - Champion Builds and Strategy Tips
The Bruiser trait in TFT Set 14: Cyber City provides team-wide health bonuses, with enhanced benefits for Bruiser units. Your team gains 100 base Health, while Bruisers receive additional scaling:
- (2) 20% Health
- (4) 45% Health
- (6) 75% Health

TFT Bruiser trait icon health bonus
Bruiser Champions:
- Alistar (Golden Ox): Reduces incoming damage and stuns targets for 2 seconds
- Dr. Mundo (Street Demon/Slayer): Gains bonus max Health and self-heals

Golden-horned Alistar from TFT Set 14

Dr. Mundo from TFT Set 14
- Darius (Syndicate): Heals self and Sunders nearby enemies

Darius TFT Set 14 portrait
- Gragas (Divinicorp): AOE damage dealer with team-wide health bonus
- Mordekaiser (Exotech/Techie): Provides shield and AOE stun

TFT Set 14 Gragas champion

TFT Set 14 Mordekaiser character portrait
- Cho'Gath (BoomBots): Scales with health and AP, grows larger with each cast

TFT Set 14 Cho'Gath monster
- Kobuko (Cyberboss): Gains shield, omnivamp, and AOE knock-up ability

Blue TFT champion Kobuko
Strategy Tips:
- Early game: The 100 base Health bonus is impactful
- Mid-late game: Focus on 2-4 Bruisers rather than vertical scaling
- Combine with complementary traits for optimal performance
- Use Bruisers as frontline tanks while maintaining damage dealers
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