TFT Set 14: Complete Golden Ox Guide - Best Strategy and Champions
Golden Ox is a powerful economy trait in TFT Set 14 that rewards aggressive gameplay through kill-based gold generation and damage amplification. Units with this trait gain damage amp and have a chance to drop gold on kills, with bonuses increasing as you spend gold on rerolls or XP.
Trait Bonuses:
- (2) 18% Damage Amp, 20% gold chance
- (4) 20% Damage Amp, 30% gold chance
- (6) 22% Damage Amp, 50% gold chance

Golden Ox Trait icon
Champion Lineup:
Alistar (1-cost) - Bruiser
- Reduces incoming damage
- Stuns target and deals magic damage
Golden-horned Alistar from TFT Set 14
Graves (2-cost) - Executioner
- Fires 5 projectiles in cone pattern
- Dashes and fires empowered shots
TFT Set 14 Graves champion portrait
Jarvan IV (3-cost) - Vanguard + Slayer
- Strikes multiple enemies
- Gains shield and reduces enemy armor
TFT Set 14 Jarvan IV portrait
Annie (4-cost) - A.M.P.
- Throws splitting fireballs
- Summons Tibbers every fourth cast
Annie from TFT Set 14
Aphelios (4-cost) - Marksman
- Fires moon blast at enemy groups
- Gains bonus damage Chakrams
TFT Set 14 Aphelios champion
Viego (5-cost) - Soul Killer + Techie
- Absorbs souls and heals on kills
- Jumps to enemy groups and deals AoE damage
- Shreds enemy defenses
Viego - TFT Set 14 Champion
Golden Ox excels at snowballing advantages through its kill-based mechanics. The trait works best with a strong early board that can secure kills to generate additional resources. Late-game carries like Annie, Aphelios, and Viego provide powerful scaling options while maintaining the trait's aggressive playstyle.
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