Karthus Jungle Guide: Master The Deathsinger in Patch 15.4.1
Karthus is a powerful AP mage jungler known for his global presence and consistent damage output, even after death through his passive ability.
Core Strengths:
- Global map pressure with ultimate (Requiem)
- Strong AP damage dealer
- Excellent clear speed
- Continues dealing damage after death
Skill Priority:
- Q (Lay Waste) - Primary damage ability, maxed first for jungle clear and champion damage
- E (Defile) - Second max for enhanced AoE damage and faster clearing
- W (Wall of Pain) - Last max, used for utility and magic resistance reduction
Skill Order:
- Level 1-3: Q > E > Q (standard clear) or Q > E > W (if early fights expected)
- Max order: Q > E > W
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Hailblade
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Liandry's Torment (First item priority)
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Demonic Embrace
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Situational Items:
- Zhonya's Hourglass (vs heavy AD)
- Void Staff (vs magic resistance)
- Shadowflame (vs shields)
Gameplay Tips:
- Focus on efficient farming early game
- Use Q for single target damage (deals double damage)
- Position E for optimal clear of small camp monsters
- Save ultimate for securing kills or assisting other lanes
- Coordinate team fights around your passive
- Ideal as the sole AP damage source in AD-heavy team compositions
Most Effective When:
- Team needs AP damage
- Enemy team has low magic resistance
- Team requires global pressure
- Looking for consistent damage output
Note: Success with Karthus heavily depends on positioning, farm efficiency, and ultimate timing.
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