Teemo Jungle Guide: Master The Swift Scout In Season 15
Teemo's unique poison damage and mushroom traps make him an unconventional but effective jungler. Here's how to optimize his jungle performance.
Core Abilities Priority:
- Toxic Shot (E) - Essential for jungle clear and consistent damage
- Blinding Dart (Q) - Critical for champion fights and ganks
- Move Quick (W) - Mobility boost for rotations
- Primary (Precision)
- Press the Attack (Main Keystone)
- [Rest of precision tree details]
- Secondary (Inspiration)
- Magical Footwear
- Cosmic Insight
Key Items:
- Red Smite Jungle Item - Provides slow on Q for better target acquisition
- Nashor's Tooth - Essential first item, synergizes with E and Press the Attack
- Sorcerer's Shoes - Magic penetration
- Liandry's Torment - Amplifies mushroom damage
- Malignance - Creates AoE fields and reduces magic resistance
Situational Items:
- Shadowflame
- Crypbloom
- Zhonya's Hourglass
Jungle Strategy:
- Start with E for efficient clear
- Utilize mushrooms for vision control
- Use Q's blind strategically against auto-attack reliant enemies
- Prioritize objectives with mushroom control
- Focus on counter-jungling when possible
Build Notes:
- Red smite provides better gank potential
- Avoid Rabadon's Deathcap due to low AP scaling
- Focus on items with utility effects over raw AP
Early Game:
- Focus on efficient clearing
- Place strategic mushrooms at enemy jungle entrances
- Look for early ganks on overextended lanes
This build maximizes Teemo's strengths in the jungle while providing utility for the team through vision control and objective security.
[Note: Images weren't provided in the original content, so no image formatting was needed]
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