Taric: The Ultimate Guide to the Aspect of the Protector
Taric is a tank support champion who excels at protecting allies while maintaining a strong frontline presence. His unique kit combines healing, shielding, and crowd control with the ability to grant invulnerability to teammates.
Core Abilities
Passive - Bravura After using an ability, Taric's next two basic attacks deal bonus damage and reduce his ability cooldowns by 1 second each.
Q - Starlight's Touch
- Stores charges equal to ability level
- Consumes all charges to heal Taric and nearby allies
- Healing increases with number of charges used
- Basic attacks add one charge instead of reducing cooldown
W - Bastion
- Links to an ally, granting them bonus armor based on Taric's armor
- Creates shield for both Taric and linked ally
- All of Taric's abilities are cast from both his and ally's position
E - Dazzle
- Fires a beam that stuns and damages enemies after a brief delay
- Primary engage and CC tool
- Can be cast from linked ally's position
R - Cosmic Radiance
- After 2.5 second delay, grants invulnerability to nearby allies
- Game-changing team fight ultimate
Skill Order Priority E > W > Q > R
Key Gameplay Tips
- Use passive auto attacks after abilities to reduce cooldowns
- Link with ally before using abilities for maximum effect
- Position carefully to hit enemies with both beams from Dazzle
- Time ultimate to counter enemy burst damage
- Coordinate engages with teammates
Build Path Starting Items:
- Relic Shield
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Knight's Vow
- Evenshroud
- Zeke's Convergence
- Frozen Heart
- Thornmail
Taric excels in extended fights where he can cycle through his abilities while utilizing his passive. His kit makes him especially effective when coordinating with engage-heavy AD carries or junglers.
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