Swain Support Guide: Mastering the Demon General in Bot Lane
A demonic battle mage who excels as an aggressive support, Swain combines crowd control, sustained damage, and surprising durability to dominate the bot lane.
Core Abilities
Passive - Famished Flock
- Collect soul fragments from dying enemies
- Each fragment heals Swain and permanently increases max health
- Additional fragments obtained through abilities
Q - Grip of Death
- Fires short-range projectiles
- Maximum damage at close range
- Essential for wave control and harass
W - The General's Vision
- Long-range area reveal and damage
- Slows enemies and grants soul fragment on hit
- Best used in combination with CC
E - Nimmergeh'r
- Forward and returning claw strike
- Root effect on return hit
- Can pull rooted champions toward Swain
R - Demonic Wings
- Transforms into demon form
- Damages nearby enemies continuously
- Heals from affected targets
- Can activate "Demon Fire" for burst damage and slow
Optimal Skill Order E > W > Q (Max E first)
Key Gameplay Tips
- Combine E with W for guaranteed damage and soul fragments
- Position W to catch enemies pulled by E
- Use ultimate in teamfights for sustained presence
- Collect soul fragments to increase durability
- Chain CC with your ADC for kill pressure
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Demonic Embrace
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Void Staff
- Morellonomicon
Laning Strategy
- Harass with E-W combinations
- Maintain vision control
- Coordinate engages with your ADC
- Use ultimate to turn ganks
- Collect souls to scale into mid-game
Swain support excels at punishing positioning mistakes and creating kill pressure through his reliable CC and sustained damage output. His natural durability and scaling make him a strong pick for players who want to carry from the support role.
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