Sona: The Ultimate Support Champion Guide - League of Legends Season 15
Sona is a versatile enchanter support champion who combines simplicity with strategic depth, making her ideal for both beginners and experienced players.
Core Abilities
Passive - Power Chord: After casting 3 basic abilities, Sona's next auto attack deals bonus damage and applies an additional effect based on her last used ability:
- Q: Enhanced damage
- W: Damage reduction
- E: Strong slow
Basic Abilities:
- Q (Hymn of Valor): Launches two projectiles prioritizing enemy champions, empowering nearby allies' next auto attack
- W (Aria of Perseverance): Heals lowest-health allies and provides a shield to nearby teammates
- E (Song of Celerity): Grants movement speed to Sona and nearby allies
- R (Crescendo): Stuns enemies in a line and forces them to dance
Accelerando: Sona gains stacks from landing Q on champions and healing allies with W. At 120 stacks, reduces Crescendo's cooldown.
Skill Order Priority:
- W (Aria of Perseverance)
- Q (Hymn of Valor)
- E (Song of Celerity)
- R (Crescendo) at levels 6, 11, 16
Optimal Build Path
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Shurelya's Battlesong (Mythic)
- Ardent Censer
- Staff of Flowing Water
Situational Items:
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs. healing)
- Redemption (for team-wide healing)
- Mikael's Blessing (vs. heavy CC)
Laning Strategy
Early Game:
- Poke safely with Q and Power Chord
- Conserve mana until you get mana items
- Focus on protecting ADC with W
- Use E to escape ganks or chase enemies
Mid-Late Game:
- Position behind frontline
- Rotate abilities to maximize Power Chord effects
- Save R for teamfight initiation or disengage
- Maintain vision control around objectives
- Use Power Chord - W against burst damage dealers
- Coordinate E with team for engage/disengage
- Stack Accelerando efficiently for R cooldown reduction
- Time shields to block incoming damage rather than healing after
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