Singed Champion Guide - Proxy Strategy and Build | Season 15 Updated
Singed is a unique bruiser champion in League of Legends, primarily played in the toplane. His distinctive playstyle revolves around his poison trail ability, making him particularly effective when enemies chase him.
Core Playstyle Singed's primary strategy involves poisoning enemies who follow him, enabling unique tactics like proxy farming (clearing minion waves between enemy towers). This creates pressure and forces opponents to invest resources inefficiently, giving your team strategic advantages.
Skill Priority
- Q (Poison Trail) - Max first
- E (Fling) - Max second typically
- W (Mega Adhesive) - Max last Pro Tip: At level 3, consider putting an extra point in Q for better wave clear, especially for proxy farming.
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Dark Seal + Refillable Potion
- Alternative: Corrupting Potion
Main Items:
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Demonic Embrace
- Turbo Chemtank
- Boots of Swiftness
Situational Items:
- Force of Nature (vs AP)
- Dead Man's Plate (vs AD)
- Thornmail (vs Heavy healing)
- Morellonomicon (vs Healing)
Build Strategy Singed's build focuses on items that complement his damage-over-time playstyle while providing necessary survivability. Early game prioritizes damage and sustain, transitioning into tankier items as the game progresses.
Key Runes Primary: Precision
- Conqueror
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
Secondary: Sorcery
- Nimbus Cloak
- Celerity
His unique playstyle and versatile build paths make him an excellent choice for players seeking a different approach to the game. Success with Singed comes from understanding when to proxy farm, how to create map pressure, and mastering the art of baiting enemies into disadvantageous chases.
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