Shen Support Guide: The Ultimate Tank Support Champion Build & Strategy
Shen represents a unique mana-free tank support option, excelling in team protection and engagement. His kit allows for effective defensive plays and global map presence.
Abilities Priority
- Shadow Dash (E)
- Ki Barrier (P)
- Spirit's Refuge (W)
- Twilight Attack (Q)
- Stand United (R)
Core Mechanics
Ki Barrier (P)
- Generates a shield after ability use
- Controls Spirit Blade position
- Shield cooldown reduces when abilities affect champions
Twilight Attack (Q)
- Empowers next 3 auto attacks
- Slows enemies when Spirit Blade passes through them
- Positions Spirit Blade for other abilities
Spirit's Refuge (W)
- Creates protective field around Spirit Blade
- Blocks auto attacks for allies within the area
- Essential for team fight protection
Shadow Dash (E)
- Primary engage tool
- Taunts enemies hit
- Can be combined with Flash for extended range
Stand United (R)
- Global shield on ally
- Teleports to target location
- Shield increases for low-health targets
- Places Spirit Blade at original location
Build Path
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Plated Steelcaps
- Knight's Vow
- Warmog's Armor
Situational Items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Redemption (for additional healing)
- Zeke's Convergence (with AD carry)
Lane Strategy
- Engage with Shadow Dash when enemies misposition
- Use Spirit's Refuge to protect ADC during trades
- Maintain Spirit Blade positioning for maximum utility
- Watch map for Stand United opportunities
- Coordinate engages with jungler presence
Remember to balance aggressive plays with defensive positioning, as Shen's kit excels at both engagement and protection. His global presence with Stand United makes him particularly valuable in coordinated team play.
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