Pantheon Top Lane Guide: Pro Build & Strategy 15.4.1
Pantheon is a powerful toplane assassin known for his aggressive playstyle and strong early game presence. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering him in the current meta.
Core Abilities Priority:
- Q - Comet Spear (Max First)
- E - Aegis Rush or W - Shield Leap (Second max, situational)
- R - Grand Starfall (Level at 6, 11, 16)
Early Game Strategy:
- Dominate lane through aggressive Q pokes
- Use empowered W for guaranteed trades
- Save E for defensive plays or tower dives
- Look for roaming opportunities post-6
Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse (Mythic)
- Black Cleaver
- Death's Dance
- Guardian Angel
Situational Items:
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Edge of Night (vs CC)
- Serylda's Grudge (vs Tanks)
Combat Tips:
- Use empowered abilities strategically
- Engage with W when enemy cooldowns are down
- Save E for crucial damage mitigation
- Time R for objective control and teamfights
Key Strengths:
- Exceptional early game pressure
- Strong roaming potential
- Good dive capabilities
- Reliable point-and-click CC
- Falls off late game
- Vulnerable without E
- Limited escape options
- Resource management needed
Lane Matchups:
- Strong vs: Squishies, Immobile champions
- Weak vs: Tanks, Sustained fighters
Key Tips:
- Prioritize early game advantages
- Roam to help secure objectives
- Focus on snowballing leads
- Build damage early, defensive items later
With proper execution, Pantheon can dominate the early game and transition this advantage into map-wide pressure through his ultimate ability.
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