Pantheon Top Guide: Dominating Early Game and Map Control
Pantheon is a powerful early-game champion who excels at securing picks and bullying opponents in lane. His strength lies in his ability to apply pressure across the map and snowball advantages.
Key Strengths:
- Strong early game with high burst damage
- Excellent map presence with Ultimate (R)
- Great pick potential with W stun
- Defensive capabilities with E shield
- Effective poke with Q
Notable Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable when E is on cooldown
- Weaker level 6 all-ins compared to many champions
- Falls off late game against defensive builds
- Risky Ultimate engages without team follow-up
Early Game Strategy:
- Play aggressively to secure early kills
- Keep wave slightly toward your side to enable chase-downs
- Use brush control for free Q poke
- Avoid constant pushing to prevent ganks
Mid Game Approach:
- Split push to secure side objectives
- Utilize strong dueling potential
- Look for picks with R + W combo
- Join team fights when objectives are unavailable
Late Game Tactics:
- Position for flanks in team fights
- Stay with team instead of splitting
- Focus on peeling after initial engage
- Only fight when Ultimate is available
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Unlocks map presence with Ultimate
- Level 9: Q maxed for maximum burst
- First item completion: Increased damage and mana sustain
Tips for Success:
- Coordinate Ultimate engages with team
- Use E defensively to turn fights when low
- Leverage pick potential in mid-game
- Play around brushes for effective Q poke
- Focus on objective control through split pushing
Best used as an early game bully who transitions into a pick-oriented team fighter, Pantheon requires aggressive play early to maintain relevance throughout the match.
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