Samira: The Desert Rose Marksman Guide - Complete Abilities and Build Path
Samira is an explosive marksman champion who excels at close-range combat and stylish combinations. Her unique gameplay revolves around building Style stacks and executing devastating combos.
Passive - Daredevil
- Gains stacks (E D C B A S) from unique attacks and abilities
- Melee attacks below 200 range deal bonus magic damage
- Can dash to immobilized enemies and extend CC duration
Q - Design
- Ranged shot dealing physical damage
- Converts to melee slash within 200 range
- Can crit and applies lifesteal
- Combos with other abilities
W - Blade Whirl
- Two sword slashes over 0.75 seconds
- Destroys enemy projectiles
- Deals damage to nearby enemies
- Cannot be used during ultimate
E - Unbridled Frenzy
- Dashes through target enemy
- Deals magic damage
- Grants attack speed for 3 seconds
- Resets on champion kills
R - Infernal Trigger
- Requires S rank style rating
- Fires 10 shots over 2 seconds
- Slows Samira by 25%
- Full damage to champions, reduced to minions
Optimal Skill Order
- E (Level 1)
- W (Level 2)
- Q (Level 3)
- Max Q > E > W
Key Runes Primary (Precision):
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Bloodthirst
- Last Stand
Secondary (Domination):
- Sudden Impact
- Treasure Hunter
Core Build Strategy Focus on:
- Attack Damage
- Attack Speed
- Critical Strike
- Life Steal
- Armor Penetration
Build key items in this order:
- Starting items
- Core AD/Crit items
- Sustain/Defense options
- Situational items based on game state
Samira excels with aggressive supports who can provide crowd control, allowing her to maximize her passive's CC extension and create opportunities for all-in engages.
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