Best Kennen Mid Lane Build & Meta Guide in LOL 15.4
Runes, Items and Summoner Spells for Kennen Mid:
Most Popular Build (56.8% WR, 597 matches)
- Summoners: Flash, Teleport
- Runes: Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Grisly Mementos, Ultimate Hunter + Absolute Focus, Scorch
- Core Items: Hextech Rocketbelt → Sorcerer's Shoes → Shadowflame
- Full Build: Add Zhonya's Hourglass → Rabadon's Deathcap → Void Staff
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Alternative Build (58.2% WR, 55 matches)
- Summoners: Flash, Teleport
- Runes: Summon Aery + Nimbus Cloak, Transcendence, Scorch + Taste of Blood, Ultimate Hunter
- Core Items: Same as most popular build
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Best Matchups:
- Fizz (72% WR)
- Vex (70% WR)
- Mel (69.3% WR)
Worst Matchups:
- Vel'Koz (33.3% WR)
- Kayle (33.3% WR)
- Annie (36.8% WR)
Key Tips:
- Flank from side angles during teamfights for optimal ultimate usage
- Can be built AP or on-hit depending on team needs
- Play safe early game to avoid falling behind
- Effective combo rotation: Q → Auto → W → E → R
Situational Items:
- Banshee's Veil vs heavy AP
- Liandry's Torment vs tanky teams
- Stormsurge for more burst damage
Rune Shard Options:
- Offense: Attack Speed
- Flex: Adaptive Force
- Defense: Health Scaling/Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)