Nautilus: Complete Support Guide for Season 14
Nautilus is a powerful support champion with strong engage potential and excellent map presence. Here's a comprehensive guide to mastering this champion.
Early Game Power
Nautilus has an incredibly strong level 2 power spike, making him ideal for early aggressive plays. Aim to reach level 2 first and look for all-in opportunities, but be mindful of overextending without proper backup.
Positioning and Lane Management
Stay healthy in lane by avoiding unnecessary poke damage. Position yourself appropriately against ranged champions and only engage when your cooldowns are available. Be cautious when your ADC pushes aggressively early game, as it limits engagement opportunities.
Roaming and Map Presence
Once you acquire Boots of Mobility, utilize Nautilus's excellent roaming potential:
- Roam directly from base
- Move when your ADC is safely farming
- Coordinate with your jungler for invades
- Create map pressure through vision control
Mid-Game Strategy
- Use your Ultimate (R) to create pick opportunities
- Peel for carries during team fights
- Stay grouped with your team
- Protect your ADC in skirmishes
- Look for engages from fog of war
Power Spikes
- Level 2: First major spike enabling all-in potential
- Level 6: Ultimate adds significant kill pressure
- Level 9: Q maxed for frequent engage opportunities
- Two points in R: Increased ultimate frequency
- Three points in R: Consistent team fight presence
Late Game Impact
- Focus on peeling for carries
- Create picks using ultimate from fog of war
- Utilize tankiness for tower dives
- Soak damage while protecting team
- Control team fights through strategic engages
Weaknesses to Watch
- Vulnerability to poke damage
- Commitment required for engages
- Risk of overextending
- Reliance on team follow-up
- Position-dependent effectiveness
Remember to play around your team and coordinate engages effectively to maximize Nautilus's impact throughout the game.
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