Nami League of Legends Support Champion Guide - Complete Tips 2024
Nami is a versatile enchanter support from the Marai tribe who excels at healing, buffing allies, and providing crowd control. Her kit makes her effective in both defensive and offensive scenarios.
Abilities Priority: R > W > E > Q
Passive - Surging Tides Allies gain movement speed when hit by Nami's abilities.
Core Abilities
- W (Ebb and Flow): Primary ability for lane dominance. Bounces between allies and enemies, healing allies and damaging enemies.
- E (Blessing of the Tide Caller): Empowers ally's next three attacks with bonus magic damage and slow effect.
- Q (Water Prison): Creates a bubble that stuns and damages enemies.
- R (Tidal Wave): Sends massive wave that knocks up enemies and applies double passive movement speed to allies.
Optimal Combo E > Auto Attack > Q > Auto Attack > W
Laning Strategy
- Level 1-2: Focus on W for poke and sustain
- Use E to empower ADC's trades
- Save Q for defensive plays or guaranteed hits
- Position safely due to squishiness
- Coordinate Q with existing CC for higher accuracy
Starting Items
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Build
- Imperial Mandate/Moonstone Renewer
- Redemption
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Vigilant Wardstone
Situational Items
- Mikael's Blessing (vs heavy CC)
- Staff of Flowing Water (AP heavy team)
- Ardent Censer (AA-based carries)
Key Strengths
- Strong lane sustain
- Versatile crowd control
- Excellent team fight utility
- Good disengage potential
- Skillshot-dependent
- Squishy
- Vulnerable to all-ins
- Mana intensive early game
Remember to coordinate with your ADC and time your abilities carefully, as Nami's effectiveness largely depends on proper positioning and ability timing.
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