Milio Support Champion Guide - Season 15 Ultimate Overview
Milio is a versatile enchanter support champion who excels at protecting and empowering allies through unique fire-based abilities.
Core Abilities Overview
"Fire and Flame!" (Passive)
- Allies buffed by Milio's abilities can throw an ember at enemies
- Enhances basic attacks with bonus damage
"Warm Embrace" (E)
- Provides a shield and movement speed boost
- Has 2 charges for flexible usage
- Primary ability to max first
"Living Campfire" (W)
- Creates a following flame that heals nearby allies
- Grants bonus attack range
- High cooldown requires strategic timing
- Max second after getting E to level 3
"Ultra-Mega-Firekick" (Q)
- Knockback ability useful for peel
- Slows enemies in landing area
- Effective with one skill point
"Breath of Life" (R)
- Area healing ultimate
- Cleanses CC from affected allies
- Cannot be cast while CC'd
Optimal Skill Order E > W > Q > R
- Start E for early shield and mobility
- Get Q level 2 against engage supports
- Max E first, then W for teamfight impact
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Staff of Flowing Water
- Ardent Censer
Situational Items:
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs. healing)
- Redemption (for additional healing)
- Mikael's Blessing (vs. heavy CC)
Laning Phase:
- Use passive to help with poke
- Time W carefully for maximum value
- Save E charges for trades or ganks
- Position safely while maintaining buff uptime
- Focus on protecting carries
- Use R to counter enemy engage
- Coordinate W placement for optimal range bonus
- Chain CC cleanse with other support items

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