Maokai Support Guide: Season 15 Tank Build & Strategy
Maokai excels as a tank support champion who combines effective crowd control with surprising durability. His kit makes him particularly strong at controlling bushes and setting up engages for his team.
Core Abilities Overview
- Passive (Sap Magic): Heals Maokai on basic attacks after ability casts, scaling with max health
- Q (Bramble Smash): Knocks back and slows enemies
- W (Twisted Advance): Root-locks a target while becoming untargetable
- E (Sapling Toss): Throws saplings that slow and deal % health damage
- R (Nature's Grasp): Sends waves of roots that snare enemies
Skill Order Priority Q > W > E > R (Take R whenever possible)
Level 1 Ability Choice
- Q: Best for standard lanes (poke and disengage)
- E: For bush control and vision
- W: When invading with team
Summoner Spells
- Flash (Required)
- Ignite/Exhaust (Situational)
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Relic Shield
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards (Support Item)
- Locket of the Iron Solari (Mythic)
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury Treads
- Knight's Vow
- Thornmail/Frozen Heart
Key Strategy Tips
- Use saplings for bush control and vision
- Save W (root) for key targets or follow-up CC
- Position R at angles to maximize hit chance
- Use passive healing during trades
- Coordinate engages with your ADC
- Excellent engage potential
- Strong bush control
- Reliable CC chain
- Good tank scaling
- Team-fight presence
- Mana intensive
- Vulnerable to poke
- Limited range
- Skill-shot dependent
- Can be kited
Maokai support thrives in teamfight compositions where he can set up plays and protect key carries while absorbing damage. His effectiveness increases with coordinated play and proper vision control.
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