Lux Midlane Champion Guide - Complete Control Mage Strategy
Mid lux is a long-range control mage who excels at burst damage and crowd control. Her high cooldowns require careful ability management, but her safe playstyle and strong waveclear make her excellent for beginners.
Core Abilities
Passive - Illumination: Lux's spells apply Light Energy to enemies. Basic attacks and Final Spark detonate this effect for bonus magic damage.
Q - Light Binding: Launches a light sphere that roots two enemies for 2 seconds. Maxed second for reliable CC.
W - Prismatic Barrier: Creates a defensive shield that returns to Lux, protecting her and allies twice. Always aim to hit yourself and teammates for maximum value.
E - Lucent Singularity: Slows enemies and detonates for area damage. Maxed first for waveclear and poke.
R - Final Spark: Long-range laser dealing high damage, detonating and reapplying Illumination. Short cooldown for an ultimate.
Optimal Runes
Primary (Sorcery):
- Arcane Comet
- Manaflow Band
- Transcendence
- Scorch
Secondary (Domination):
- Cheap Shot
- Ultimate Hunter
- Attack Speed
- Ability Power
- Health per Level
Core Build
Starting Items:
- Doran's Ring
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Luden's Tempest
- Sorcerer's Shoes
- Horizon Focus
- Rabadon's Deathcap
Situational Items:
- Void Staff (vs magic resistance)
- Zhonya's Hourglass (vs assassins)
- Shadowflame (vs shields)
Key Gameplay Tips
- Use E to safely farm and poke enemies
- Save Q for defensive plays or guaranteed hits
- Cast W to protect both yourself and allies
- Use R to finish low-health enemies or clear waves from safety
- Position carefully and maintain distance from threats
- Chain abilities with passive procs for maximum damage
This control mage rewards patient positioning and precise ability usage while providing consistent damage and utility from a safe distance.
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