League of Legends Custom Games: Complete Guide to Game Modes and Rules
Custom games in League of Legends allow players to create personalized matches with chosen players and/or bots. Here's everything you need to know:
Important Notes:
- Custom games don't count towards leave penalties or champion stats
- No XP is awarded after custom games
- Summoner's Code still applies
- At least 2 real players are required during high traffic periods
Bot Features:
- Only available on Summoner's Rift
- 69 out of 170 champions (40.59%) are available as bots
- Three difficulty levels: Intro, Intermediate, and Expert
- Customizable bot roles using dropdown menu
Popular Custom Game Modes:
All Random All Mid (ARAM)
- Mid lane only
- No recalling/returning to base
- Buy items only while dead
- No snowball items or neutral camps
Protect the Queen
- Teams protect designated female champion
- First queen to die 7 times loses
- Limited jungle area
- Special rules for items and spells
Hide and Seek
- 5 hiders vs 2 seekers
- Hiders get 5 lives
- Only CC abilities allowed for escape
- 40-45 minute time limit
- No direct damage to seekers
Draft Racing
- Goal: Reach enemy spawn and die to Nexus Obelisk
- No jungling/laning unless inhibitor is down
- Champions selected via Draft Pick
- Banner of Command prohibited
Ultimate Bravery
- Random champion, build, and summoner spells
- Must follow assigned build order
- Max assigned non-ultimate ability first
- No wards allowed
- Must prove build by sharing at game start
These custom modes offer unique ways to enjoy League of Legends outside standard gameplay, with each having specific rules and objectives for fair play.
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