LoL community slams 'excessive' Mel nerfs as ban rates soar

Woman warrior in fantasy armor cape
League of Legends' newest champion Mel is facing another round of nerfs in Patch 15.S1.4 as Riot Games attempts to address her overwhelming presence in solo queue. With a current ban rate of 73.2% in Platinum and above ranks, the developer is taking decisive action to balance the champion.
The upcoming changes, revealed by Riot Emizery on the MelMains Reddit community, have sparked controversy among players. Many argue these nerfs are excessive, particularly given Mel's already struggling performance in midlane. Despite her high ban rate, her actual win rate has been concerning, with one player noting she might drop to a 46% win rate after these changes.
Community feedback has been predominantly negative, with players questioning Riot's approach to balancing the champion. Some suggest the nerfs are "over the top" and argue for more measured adjustments rather than significant changes that might render the champion unviable.
The new changes are expected to hit the Public Beta Environment soon, with the official patch scheduled for February 20. Players and developers alike will be watching closely to see if these adjustments successfully balance Mel without completely diminishing her effectiveness in gameplay.
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