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The Eternal Nightmare, Nocturne is a demonic entity that embodies pure terror, manifesting from the collective nightmares that plague sentient minds. This shadowy being wields umbra blades and shadow magic, using them to spread fear throughout Runeterra.
Physical Appearance:
- Composed of inky-black darkness
- Vaguely humanoid form with featureless head
- Solid white eyes
- Clawed fingers
- Lower body dissolves into black smoke
- Wears purple or red armor with gray trim
- Armed with curved, spiked blades on forearms
Core Abilities:
- Demon Physiology: Immune to physical weapons without magical properties
- Emotional Feeding: Sustains itself by consuming fear from nightmares
- Dream Control: Can manipulate and corrupt dreams
- Shadow Form: Ability to mold darkness at will
- Immortality: Exists as long as nightmares persist
Notable Encounters:
- Terrorized the Demacian settlement of Fossbarrow until confronted by Garen and Lux
- Fought Sylas during the Great Mage Rebellion while disguised as Morgana
- Originally emerged through the Shadow Isles before reaching Demacia

Desert landscape with massive stone structures
Personality: Nocturne is a malevolent entity that thrives on exploiting fears and vulnerabilities. It shows no mercy to victims, deriving satisfaction from plunging the world into darkness and feeding on the terror it creates. The demon possesses an innate understanding of individuals' deepest fears, using this knowledge to manipulate and torment its prey.
Origin: According to lore, Nocturne came into existence approximately 1,000 years ago during the Rune Wars. It first materialized in the material realm through the Shadow Isles before making its way to Fossbarrow, Demacia, where it began haunting historian Jens Tommen.
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