League of Legends Yuumi Champion History & Abilities Guide
Previous Abilities of Yuumi
Bop 'n' Block
- Passive ability that empowers Yuumi's basic attacks against enemy champions
- Grants 25 bonus range and makes attack non-projectile
- Restores 25-100 mana (based on level) (+8% maximum mana)
- Provides shield for 45-300 (+25% AP) until destroyed
- Shield transfers to attached ally
Prowling Projectile
- Fires a missile that deals magic damage to first enemy hit
- After 1 second, gains increased damage and 20% slow against champions
- Damage cap of 50-300 against non-champions
- While attached, Yuumi can steer missile for up to 2 seconds
You and Me!
- Passive: Makes Yuumi untargetable while attached
- Grants attached ally bonus AD or AP
- Yuumi gains adaptive force based on ally's stats
- Active: Dash to ally champion and attach (0.25s channel)
- Can recast to detach or switch allies
- 5-second cooldown if immobilized or grounded
- Heals target and grants 20% movement speed
- Provides bonus attack speed for 3 seconds
- While attached, affects ally instead of Yuumi
- Mana cost scales with base mana
Final Chapter
- Channels for 3.5 seconds
- Fires 7 waves of damage in target direction
- Champions hit by 3 waves become rooted for 1.25 seconds
- Subsequent hits deal 50% damage
- Can move while channeling
- Root effect can only occur once per target
Note: These abilities represent Yuumi's previous kit before any potential reworks or changes.
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